UPDATES (12/15): Entries updated for Phnom Penh and Siam Reap, Cambodia, and the map has been updated to show the full loop of my journey.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting Ready

It's official. Tickets have been purchased. I will be flying into Hanoi, Vietnam on September 19, after 26 or so hours that will take me from Boston, through LA and Seoul, Korea, finally landing in Hanoi. My good friend from Vassar, Ian, will be joining me for the first leg of my trip. Having someone to talk to and read my guidebooks with should take the edge off of the lengthy flight.
I've slowly been filling my pack with my travel supplies to get an idea of how much I'll be lugging around. So far, so good; I've managed to avoid the hereditary instinct to accumulate unnecessary junk. We'll see how long this lasts.